Meet Kayla Balfour
Licensed Acupuncturist
Founder of Lift Wellness
Kayla Balfour, R.Ac.
Kayla’s unique approach to acupuncture comes out of her personal experience with shoulder and back pain, head and knee injuries, and migraines. These conditions led her to explore Traditional Chinese Medicine as a holistic, collaborative approach to bring the body’s energy into a satisfied, harmonious equilibrium.
Acupuncture Areas of focus
Kayla’s commitment to excellence ensures her clients receive the very best individualized treatments. Above all, she is passionate about her practice — a client-centred, empathetic, and compassionate approach to health that puts each person’s condition first.
Mobility and Pain Management
Women’s Health
Anxiety and Rebalancing
Stress & Tension
Beauty and Self Care
Hormonal Imbalance
1 hr 15 min
145 Canadian dollars
What My Clients Have to Say

"The healer you have been looking for
is your own courage to know and love yourself completely"